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Inside the Mission

Mondays at the Mission: Ep 35 – Meet Our Volunteers: Ray

Ray is just one of hundreds of volunteers who do everything from serving meals to helping men and women in our recovery programs to playing worship music and bringing hope to thousands of people each year. Ray volunteers each month at The Harbor, working alongside the men during their 12-month recovery process.

I’m sure you would enjoy giving back to these men and the Portland Rescue Mission. I know the men appreciate it. They’ve expressed to me very much appreciation for what the Mission is doing for them. I would encourage you to get involved.” ~Ray

ALSO READ: Jonathan graduated from the Harbor last year. See what he’s up to now! 

We’re always in need of more caring volunteers at all of our sites. Whether you’re interested in working with men, women or children, doing administrative tasks, leading a class, or helping with any of our other opportunities, we have a place for you! Check out Ray’s video here and make sure to visit our volunteer page to get involved!

