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New Life Ministry

Obi ‘brave enough to dream again’ after being at The Harbor

Obi was living the American dream. Growing up in Kenya was hard, especially in his abusive family. But now he’d fallen in love with an American girl, gotten married and moved to Portland where they would soon give birth to their first child.

The dream didn’t last. As a child, Obi coped with the abuse he received by getting high. That lifelong addiction still haunted him, destroying his marriage and his job. After just a few years in the U.S., Obi wandered homeless – and deeply hurting. “I woke up with such intense hopelessness,” he remembers. He wanted out of his addiction, but how?

Obi was grateful to find our New Life Ministry for men at The Harbor. Still, he struggled to open up about the deep hurts behind his addiction. Such transparency just wasn’t part of Obi’s Kenyan culture. Seeing other men in the program confess their brokenness and reveal their pain gave Obi the courage to share his own journey. God began to heal decades of woundedness in his heart.

“I’m brave enough to dream again,” says Obi. Nearing the end of his yearlong recovery journey, he celebrates a renewed relationship with his daughter, now in grade school. Instead of living in fear and isolation, Obi treasures the supportive friendships he’s cultivated. “I can ask for help now. These men at The Harbor are my new family.”

For people like Obi, warmer weather doesn’t ease the pain of hunger, depression and despair. Worst of all, they’ve lost hope. And it seems everyone they know have given up on them as well.

Portland Rescue Mission is here to show Obi and many others that they are not forgotten. There is hope. We believe that God will provide, and trust His provision will come through a friend like you.

To help more men, women and children in need, consider giving a special gift today. Or, call 503-MISSION (647-7466).
