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Freedom, independence for New Life Ministry participants at Portland Rescue Mission

Freedom and independence … it’s what this time of year is all about when we celebrate the Fourth of July. And for the many men and women that come through our New Life Ministry at The Harbor (for men) or Shepherd’s Door (for women and children) and graduate from the program, that means freedom and independence from drugs, alcohol and homelessness. Your ongoing support has made it possible for these men and women to come to Portland Rescue Mission and break those chains forever.

To celebrate, we wanted to give you a glimpse into the past at a handful of our most viewed “Stories of Hope” on our YouTube channel of men and women who were courageous enough to share their story of how God used our New Life Ministry to transform their lives. You will see how they found freedom and independence from the storms of addiction and homelessness. Watch their stories and be inspired as you see what it looks like to be a part of giving hope and restoring life.


ERIN: “God totally opened a forum and allowed me to forgive the one person I couldn’t, and in that I was forgiven. I was clean. I was a new person. … My life changed at this place.”

RUSSEL: “I came into Portland Rescue Mission to get something to eat … The Mission has changed me in a lot of ways. I’m able to look at life from a sober point of view and I’ve never been healthier.”

MIKOLE: “I completely surrendered myself, and I thanked God for saving me. And I said I’m yours. … Now I feel like a princess.”

JONATHAN: “Having God and having people involved with my recovery has been really beneficial for me. … I’ve restored the relationships with my family. I have friends at church. I have friends in the program.”

LINDA: “I was ready to change, but didn’t know how. And when I came to a breaking point and I couldn’t do it anymore, Shepherd’s Door was there for me … It’s such a life-changing program. God is very evident here … You see the changes He’s able to do in people, and it’s a beautiful thing.”

DOUG: “I saw the grace and mercy and love of Jesus Christ modeled through a human being. I have something in my life I haven’t had in years. I have hope. I have hope for my future.”
