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Much Needed Blanket and Clothing Donations

Last week, generous donations of clothing and blankets arrived at Portland Rescue Mission — just in time.

Chris, one of our staff, demonstrates the useful features of donated blankets.

We received 1,250 heavy-duty blankets just one day before temperatures fell and snow covered much of Portland. The specialty blankets are water-proof outside, quilted fleece inside, extremely durable, and fold up into a backpack — ideal features for men and women living on the street.

The blankets, donated by Jerry Apland of Grants Pass, Oregon, were transported to Portland free of charge by Con-Way Freight as a contribution to Portland’s homeless community. “I was in Portland a few weeks ago, I drove by Portland Rescue Mission and saw many cold people waiting for a meal,” says Apland. “I thought of all the durable water-proof blankets I had from a prior business and instantly knew I needed to donate them to the Mission.”

Other significant clothing donations include 100 pair of jeans from Aeropostale and 600 bras from Soma Intimates.

We’re grateful to the friends who step up to help us meet the growing needs of homeless people.

For a listing of our other most needed items visit: /get-involved/donate-items/

Thank you!
