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Burnside Shelter

Start 2016 off with transformative work at Portland Rescue Mission

It’s been an exciting year at Portland Rescue Mission, and we are in need for more people filled with compassion and excited to come on board and start changing lives forever. If you’ve ever considered a career in a non-profit environment doing life-changing work, now is the perfect time to make the leap. We have positions open at Shepherd’s Door, at the Burnside Shelter working with the women in our Connect program, in Mission Bar-B-Que and at Drive Away Hunger. All positions not only make for fulfilling work, but all are vital to the overall success of the Mission and, more importantly, the long-term success in the lives of the men, women and children we serve daily.

Check out some of our staff’s favorite moments from the last month below, and then scroll down to read the descriptions of what jobs are available right now at the Mission:

Our fearless leader doing what he does best: rolling up his sleeves, getting dirty, and fixing everything! pic.twitter.com/A4wfuO9iey

— Andrew Hall (@prm_andrew) December 21, 2015

"It's rock'n'roll time!" Ready to cook some turkeys and serve some friends. pic.twitter.com/3ofbKgsRcR

— Andrew Hall (@prm_andrew) November 25, 2015

136 care kits donated to Burnside from the kids at Access Academy! Thanks for caring for our community! @prm_andrew pic.twitter.com/RiDbUXPcPc

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) December 22, 2015

13 Men from The Harbor were blessed by Medical Teams International with free emergency dental care. Thank you MTI! pic.twitter.com/xSt8stTG3J

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) December 16, 2015

360 meals served for breakfast at Burnside shelter! Nothing like a hot meal. #Thanksgiving #PRM #pdxmission pic.twitter.com/5RuyZ7edmG

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) November 26, 2015

Women/kids from Shepherd's Door came to see my show this week! First play for some of them! #Scrooge #pdxmission pic.twitter.com/fUMcILBahY

— PRM Erin Fowler (@prm_erin) November 27, 2015

Rc'd a donation from a man in prison who knows what it is like to be homeless. Now he's providing meals for others! pic.twitter.com/5GJ651QL7L

— PRM June Cassell (@prm_junec) December 5, 2015

Shepherd's Door gals tackle the Ho Ho 5K run, exhibiting their festive spirit for healthy living! pic.twitter.com/QN2gBcSUcg

— PRM Christine Ourada (@prm_christine) December 7, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from The Harbor! Village Baptist Church and Reichen farms blessed us with Turkeys and a tree. pic.twitter.com/3nI6I35E90

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) November 25, 2015

Vocational Training – what a blessing to job shadow Xavier's warehouse shift at Burnside Shelter. I'm proud of him! pic.twitter.com/cqasmlUtfX

— PRM Bob Rapp (@prm_bob) December 15, 2015

RESIDENT CARE STAFF MEMBERPart-time at Shepherd’s Door

WOMEN’S CONNECT NIGHT ASSOCIATEPart-time at the Burnside Shelter

DONOR ENGAGEMENT OFFICERFull-time at the administration office

VEHICLE MECHANICFull-time at Drive Away Hunger

ASSISTANT COOKFull-time at Mission Bar-B-Que

ENGAGEMENT DATA SYSTEMS (CRM) LEAD – at the administration office


PRESCHOOL COORDINATORFull-time at Shepherd’s Door
