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Burnside Shelter

Help create a better future, work for Portland Rescue Mission

The kids of the Family Life Center gather to read a book at Shepherd's Door.

The kids of the Family Life Center gather to read a book at Shepherd’s Door.

Believe it or not, April is over halfway done (though with all this sunshine in the Portland area right now, you might not realize it). Has your spring started off well?

Here at Portland Rescue Mission, we continually strive to offer hope and restoration to those involved in one of our integrated ministries (Hope Ministries, Pathway Ministries and New Life Ministries). All three of these ministries work together to create a better future for the hurting men, women and children we serve on a daily basis. Each of these areas, along with our Drive Away Hunger program, is looking for additional staff. The Hope and Pathway Ministries are located at the Burnside Shelter in downtown Portland, while our New Life Ministries are both in northeast Portland at Shepherd’s Door (for women and children) and The Harbor (for men).

If you are interested in working in a transformational faith-based environment where lives are being changed regularly, Portland Rescue Mission has a place for you. (Scroll down to the bottom for current job openings along with their descriptions).

In the meantime, take a look at some of our favorite moments from some of our staff at Portland Rescue Mission.

Kelcey’s first creation from Culinary School. And he chose to serve it to Harbor Staff. It was great! pic.twitter.com/XI6xMTKhxK

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) April 13, 2015

Every morning, this mom can be heard saying, "c'mon kids. Time to put your armor on!" (Eph:6) #armorofGod pic.twitter.com/Ouc4EtRMAL

— PRM Christine Ourada (@prm_christine) April 13, 2015

Stevie volunteers, sorting clothes in our warehouse and occasionally takes a break to model something he found. pic.twitter.com/G4sxT98q8G

— PRM June Cassell (@prm_junec) April 13, 2015

Praying for one of our graduates this morning, sending him out to give what he has received. pic.twitter.com/DSSs9e8STv

— PRM Dallas Lange (@prm_dallasl) April 7, 2015

Shepherds Door Spring Break Retreat! 5 days of an intimate encounter with Christ! pic.twitter.com/tu4nAe37Un

— PRM Christine Ourada (@prm_christine) March 26, 2015

#PRM's Family Life Center seeks to show kids affected by addiction ‘unconditonal love’ http://t.co/4geWPischl #FLC pic.twitter.com/htoCMPhwbg

— PDX Rescue Mission (@pdxmission) April 8, 2015

A moving thank you from the parents of a former PRM participant who died recently. So sad; addiction can be deadly. pic.twitter.com/mfQy9fZ0qo

— PRM June Cassell (@prm_junec) April 6, 2015

Employed & a place to live. Jon finished Advance (transition) today and ready to roll in his 1999 green Monte Carlo. pic.twitter.com/bW0VCrKkts

— PRM Bob Rapp (@prm_bob) March 31, 2015

Had a great time with staff preparing lunch today for the men. And FYI I've never yet worked at In-N-Out Burger. pic.twitter.com/FFxpEK7DF9

— PRM Bob Rapp (@prm_bob) April 2, 2015

Men’s Night Ministry Team MemberPart-time at Burnside Shelter

Life Skills SpecialistFull-time at Shepherd’s Door

Family Life Ministries AssistantPart-time at Shepherd’s Door

Growth Support Staff MemberPart-time at Shepherd’s Door

Women’s Growth ManagerFull-time at Shepherd’s Door

Vehicle Mechanic (temporary) – Full-time or part-time at Drive Away Hunger

Family Life Ministries Elementary CoordinatorFull-time at Shepherd’s Door

Vehicle MechanicFull-time at Drive Away Hunger

Men’s Ministry Intake and Advocacy SpecialistFull-time at The Harbor

Men’s Growth Leader / CounselorFull-time at The Harbor
