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About Homelessness

Defining Moments | A word from the Executive Director

Last fall, America held its breath as the Chicago Cubs battled the Cleveland Indians in the World Series. After a 107-year drought, the Cubs emerged with a hard-won victory, breaking a century-old “curse” of loss. Even people who weren’t die-hard Cubs fans had to smile at their dramatic turn. It was a Disney movie feel-good experience, the defining moment where the relentless underdog grabs victory from certain defeat. The crowd goes wild. The winning team rushes the field in a leaping pile of hugs and high fives. The struggle was worth it all.

People like Brian, Bradley, Lisa, Jesse, and Michal have their defining moments too. I love our graduation events where men and women mark an important milestone in their recovery. It’s a World Series celebration of heartfelt hugs as we cheer courageous underdogs claiming victory over addiction, homelessness and all the pain of the past. The Cubs were known as the team you knew would let you down. Like the Cubs, victory can seem unlikely for the people in our programs. The odds are stacked against them. They’ve tried and failed countless times before. But with God, there’s always hope.

In baseball and in recovery, victory takes daily dogged determination. It’s not just one defining moment, but countless thousands. The Cubs had to win 103 games before even getting to the World Series. People like Brian hammer out daily victories — sometimes moment-by-moment — to stay sober, face hard truths, accept help, surrender to God, ask for and receive forgiveness. It’s grueling work that can’t be done alone. Recovery, like baseball, is a team sport.

Brian knew he needed the help of people who had been there before, counselors to guide and train him, friends to cheer him on, mentors to remind him of the basics, and a real relationship with God to give him calm, centered courage to do whatever it takes to win. You are part of the team, my friend. Your unwavering support fuels daily wins for men and women in our programs. Thank you for volunteering, praying and giving. Thank you for breaking the seemingly unending curse of addiction and homelessness in their lives. Thank you for giving them their defining moments of victory.

Celebrating with you,

Eric Bauer,

Executive Director















