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Heatwave Hits the Northwest: Extreme Conditions for People Living Homeless

The National Weather Service posted an excessive heat warning for northwest Oregon earlier this week. Today, highs are reaching 105 degrees Fahrenheit. During extreme heat, men, women and children facing homelessness are even more vulnerable as they navigate the temperature.

“The effect of this extreme heat is comparable to when we have the most severe winter weather––where it displaces our guests from their usual routine. We’ve had more people come to the shelter and utilize our services,” said Andrew Hall, Guest Care Manager at Burnside.

“We are trying to keep people hydrated and cool.”

Besides keeping guests cool, here are 10 ways we are meeting needs this summer at Portland Rescue Mission:

“This summer, especially on a day like today, we have 60 extra mats in the chapel for emergency shelter, plenty of water and snacks available all day long, and we have extra activities in our Guest Care Center,” Mike Deckon, Director of Marketing, told KOIN 6 News.

“Men and women can come in, get into some air conditioning and be surrounded by a community that cares, and also have access to resources to help them build stability.”

“Portland Rescue Mission has helped me get out of the heat, made sure I had a bed and roof over my head,” shared Amanda, a woman in our Connect Program.

Donations drop to their lowest during summer—down by about 50% compared to other times of the year. Please consider giving online at www.PortlandRescueMission.org/heatwave.

Thank you for partnering with us to give hope and restore life in each and every season. We are grateful for you.
