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Drive Away Hunger

Mel Hoffman finds the perfect adventure in a vehicle from Drive Away Hunger

Mel Hoffman stands by his convertible from Drive Away Hunger.

Mel Hoffman stands by his convertible from Drive Away Hunger.

Mel Hoffman and his wife, Janice, appreciate a good adventure. And as outdoor enthusiasts, they were ready to find something they could not only drive on those adventures, but would add an element of fun and excitement that would also make an impact in other ways as well. Mel bought a convertible from Drive Away Hunger at Portland Rescue Mission.

“Drive Away Hunger is such a worthwhile cause that’s a win-win for everyone involved,” he explained. “They are honest, they have great credibility and they support a cause that’s not just feeding the hungry, but also helping folks get off the street. It’s a cause I am fully behind.”

But ask Mel, and though the cause alone would have been enough, he has also been thrilled at what he was able to purchase for such a reasonable price. Mel managed to get a fantastic dream car that his wife and him could enjoy for many years of summer travel to come—for only $1,500 dollars.

“We’ll go out for a burger in the evening, roll the top down and let the wind blow. It’s just so beautiful and enjoyable,” Mel said. “We use it when we go camping. We use it up on the mountains. We’ve joined clubs that do covered bridge tours. We’ve traveled Oregon … it’s a really fun automobile.”

drive away hunger, 1996 dolphin national, portland rescue mission

Here is Mel’s RV from Drive Away Hunger.

Mel and his wife also purchased an RV from Drive Away Hunger a few years prior to the convertible. With only 10,900 miles to its history, Mel stumbled onto a 1996 Dolphin National.

“It was just dirty. Somebody had just used it up in the mountains and didn’t vacuum it out,” he explained. “But after cleaning it up, I’ve turned it into an absolutely beautiful motorhome.”

Now they not only have the convertible to enjoy, but an RV to tow it and travel wherever they want to go. And it’s all thanks to Drive Away Hunger.

“If you’re thinking about buying a vehicle, I would say go to Drive Away Hunger first. Their automobiles are very fairly priced. They don’t misrepresent anything and they tell you exactly what they know about the automobile,” Mel said. “If you want to stay ahead of your finances, I’d fully recommend that whether it’s a second car you need, or you have some children and are looking for your main family car, you can find something at Drive Away Hunger.”

At Drive Away Hunger, you can DONATE an aging vehicle for the largest tax deduction possible and/or PURCHASE a used vehicle that goes through our 30-POINT SAFETY INSPECTION. Our lot is located at 8301 NE Halsey Street, Portland, OR 97220 and is open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. You can also reach them by phone at 503-906-7673 or by email at donation.desk@pdxmission.org.
