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Burnside Shelter

Winter clothing, blankets needed: Keep guests warm at Portland Rescue Mission

Winter coats are always a big need at Portland Rescue Mission during the winter months.

Winter coats are always a big need at Portland Rescue Mission during the winter months.

Our supplies of blankets and winter clothing to help people in need are running low. Will you help stock our closets at Shepherd’s Door, The Harbor and the Burnside Shelter?

This winter, Portland Rescue Mission will provide warm clothing to countless people, easing their suffering and protecting their health. For people sleeping outside, we provide daily clean blanket exchange to help with hygiene and extend the life of donated blankets. For the men, women and children who take refuge at the Mission, one of the best things we can do is ease their burden of how they’ll provide for themselves or their family, especially during the frigid winter months. (We also provide additional winter shelter on top of our normal beds available throughout the winter–which has been at capacity since November 1).

When Raquel and her two boys (ages six and seven) came to Shepherd’s Door from Texas with virtually nothing, the ability to clothe her family was invaluable. “Women like me come here with nothing,” she says. Many are escaping abuse or other life crisis. “You have to leave everything behind, and yet, God still provides.”

Your generous gifts of gently used coats, hats, gloves, sweatshirts, jeans, socks, underwear and blankets provide care and encouragement when hurting people need it most. Thank you. To find out more how to donate winter care items, go to PortlandRescueMission/DonateItems.
