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Give a Happy Birthday!

Many homeless men and women watch their birthday come and go uncelebrated. But thanks to the generosity of Fred Meyer and your thoughtfulness, our homeless guests will know they’re not forgotten this year.

On Wednesday, February 17th, we’ll throw a birthday party complete with gifts, cake, cards and colorful decorations. You can be a part of our annual Birthday Party for the Homeless when you send a birthday card with an encouraging note to let a hurting person know you care.

— Write a message in a store-bought or homemade card.
— Please do not include any personal information other than your first name.
— Enclose your card in the matching envelope, but do not seal it.
— If you like, include a donation to Portland Rescue Mission. Just $1.88 provides a hot, nutritious meal to a hurting person in need.
— Place the card and matching envelope in a larger envelope and mail by February 16th to:

Birthday Party for the Homeless
Portland Rescue Mission
P.O. Box 3713
Portland, OR 97208-3713

Special Thanks to our friends at Fred Meyer:
